Monday, January 29, 2024

Winter Rains

Well, we got soggy all of a sudden. We needed a good dose of rain. November, December, and January were dryer than normal. Even though those dry months help us get caught up on chores and projects, We need to recharge groundwater aquifers, and ponds during the winter. Goodness knows that it will be hot and dry soon enough. A nice rainy winter helps offset the summer drought. And anyway, there is a season for everything right? If this is the season for cool/cold and rainy weather, then I say let it be cool and rainy. I think each season should be embraced and allowed to stand on its own. The heat makes you appreciate the cold, and the cold makes you appreciate the heat. They both make you appreciate the spring and fall. Although very different, each season is necessary in its own distinct way. Seasons of life are less predictable, but I think they should be embraced in much the same way. The world would be even better if: kids: act like kids adults: be the adults parents: be parents Embrace the season that you are in and be the best version of yourself in that season.