Monday, January 22, 2024

Not Another Polar Vortex

I didn't take pictures this year. I guess I'm just kind of over it. haha. This picture is from a few years ago, but the ice thickness in the water trough was roughly the same. Being on a farm is no fun in this weather. Let me just tell you a few of the things we dealt with over the past 2 weeks because of this weather. The milk cooler wouldn't come on because it was frozen... yeah, that's what I thought. Had to warm up the cooling unit so it would come on. 🤷🏽 The water line going into the milk barn froze, even though it was left on at a trickle. Water froze in the holding area where the cows wait to be milked, causing slippage. We had to fix that so cows weren't scared and slipping. All waterlines in hen houses froze. Had to water hens in water pans for a few days until the lines could be fixed. The engine of one delivery van froze due to not enough antifreeze. Thankfully, no permanent damage, but that's what caused us to miss the Dunwoody delivery. Various other pipes, water troughs, and drinkers froze and had to be thawed/repaired. Most disappointingly, we had to miss a farm auction that we wanted to attend. I wish we were just more prepared for this type of weather, but it's hard to commit time and resources to prepare for something that happens so rarely. When we do have temps in the single digits though, it is miserable. The forecast looks like we are out of it for a little while at least, so we'll enjoy the next several days even if they are rainy. Yall have a great week.