Monday, January 15, 2024


I admit it, I'm kind of a quote guy. I've been a fan of famous and poignant quotes for as long as I can remember. Very few people in our nation's history are as quotable as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I didn't grow up in the era of the civil rights movement. In fact, MLK was tragically assassinated several years before I was born. However, we should all admire the courage, tenacity, and wisdom of MLK and other leaders of that movement. Whenever I find myself in Washington D.C. I always try to set aside some time to walk down the mall and visit ALL the memorials. It fills me with a sense of appreciation for what this country has been through, and an appreciation for the leadership of the people that guided us through those times. Last year when I was in D.C. with Atticus for his 10-year-old adventure, we visited all the memorials, including MLK. I snapped this picture of a quote that I was unfamiliar with. "We shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." To me, it speaks to his optimism that justice was not only achievable but that it was inevitable if viewed over enough time. This quote does understate (perhaps intentionally) the role strong leadership can play in shaping, or at least accelerating the shape of the arc of the moral universe. All important times in history needed great leaders. Thankfully, MLK was the leader that the civil rights movement needed at the time. I don't think leadership happens by accident. Develop your leadership in whatever small arena you have. Lead your family properly, that's your responsibility. Lead your school, church, or local government, that's your opportunity to develop. We need good leaders in this country... can I get an Aman? Leaders don't make moments, moments make leaders. Be prepared when your moment to lead presents itself.