Monday, December 19, 2022

Now, where did I put those insulated coveralls?

The pictures above are from a cold snap back in 2014. (yes, I do look a wee bit younger in the pic than I do now.😞) That year we reached -1 degrees. It was almost a decade ago and I still shiver at the memory. Extreme cold hits different when you are responsible for livestock in the south. You probably already know that late this week and over the Christmas weekend we are likely to have 3 days that do not reach above freezing, with lows in the mid-teens. I can already feel the anxiety of trying to keep all the animals fed and watered. The most difficult part is the water, as most of our waterers are not designed for freezing temps. In the case of cold overnight temps we can shut off and drain the systems. But in a situation with 3 days of below freezing temps, keeping water thawed for animals to be able to drink is a full time job. Y'all please pray that the temps are not as bad as they are predicting and that we get through this weather relatively unscathed and with some amount of Christmas Joy still intact.