Monday, March 11, 2024

A Little Rusty

Last week Josh (our pop-up delivery driver) had to perform his civic duty of attending jury duty. As A result I was tasked with making deliveries to Dunwoody and Buford on Wednesday. Those are two deliveries that I made each Wednesday from the summer of 2006 until the summer of 2019. Needless to say, I was a little rusty. Fairly soon muscle memory kicked in and I was able to get everyone their order in a fairly timely fashion. Even though some names didn't come to me as quickly as they used to, I enjoyed seeing all of you. I saw several long-term customers. Some that even shared stories of when they started purchasing from us back in the early days. I was also able to meet many newer customers that I hadn't had the opportunity to converse with before. I appreciated all of the kind and thankful words more than y'all know. Even though I am no longer driving daily, this is a very direct business model. When I am working on the farm, I can see in my mind the faces of the people that will be enjoying the eggs, milk, meat, or whatever I am working with. That is powerful for me. It makes me always want to do better and work harder. Wednesday was an opportunity for me to refresh my view of those faces that we are thankful for and work so hard for. It is because of you that we are able to do the job that we were meant for. Once upon a time it was normal to know the people that you bought things from. Every town had a butcher, a baker, and a candlestick maker. I know, progress is progress, but I am personally delighted to be a part of this nostalgic relationship that we have. I say it often, but it is still true: We are proud to be your farmer. P.S. It was also nice to field ALL the questions inquiring "Is Josh OK?", and to see the look of relief when I said he was on jury duty. Josh has become one of us, and y'all have treated him with the same respect and admiration that you always showed me. For that I am thankful. Josh does a great job, I can tell by the way you all appreciate him. Admittedly, he's probably even better than me. However, he does have the advantage of knowing you all by the car that you drive. I'm still not sure how he remembers that. Have a great week.