Monday, January 1, 2024

Plowing in February

Happy New Year! With the days really short and the sun sitting low in the south, this is a season for long shadows. I'm not sure why this one struck me as so cool, but I snapped it a couple of days ago as I was cleaning up some hay fields with the bush hog. Looking at it later I realized how unusual it is to be able to accomplish field work this time of year. Normally we would have had enough rain that this work would have been impossible. This year though, I have been able to prepare some ground that we'll be planting spring oats on, and do quite a bit of pasture/hayfield cleanup. All in the month of December. My friend Brian Heatherington says "You can't always plow in February, but when you can you should." It's not Feb, but that lesson can be applied to any time when an opportunity exists that isn't always available. It is up to us to recognize and seize those opportunities. It's a new year friends... let's live this year seizing the opportunities that life sends our way. I hope you all find your own version of plowing in February, and I hope you seize it every time.