Monday, March 22, 2021

What's a farmyard without a tire-swing, right?

A week or so ago Jersey asked me to help her put up a tire swing. She picked out an old tire, and I purchased some sturdy rope from the hardware store. The exact location was debated among the 3 kids, and this location near the house was chosen. The actual hanging of the swing was a joint effort, and after a few adjustments, we arrived at the perfect height. That was 3 days ago and let me tell you, they have swung more than I ever would have imagined they would. I never knew an old tire and a piece of rope could bring so much joy.

Watching them play on their new toy has made me reflect a little. In years past I may have been too busy to really engage in that conversation with Jersey to know that she wanted a tire swing. I would have almost definitely been too busy to act so quickly and get this new idea implemented in just a couple of days. My fear is that I could have even been so busy that she would have sensed that busyness, and not even bothered to ask.

2021 is different though folks. I have friends that have left this world at an early age, and I have others that are fighting for their life. None of them long to accomplish just one more item on their to-do list, but I'm sure they would all like one more hug from a loved one. I try to make conscious, intentional efforts to guide my life. Each year I come up with a word for the year, similar to the way others make new year resolutions. This word will act to guide me in the direction I feel like I need to go. My word for 2021 is "Enjoy". I love the work we do here, and I intend to continue doing it to the best of our ability, but my word "Enjoy" reminds me to not lose sight of the big picture. I want to enjoy this farm, not just work here. I want to enjoy my kids, not just provide for them. I want to enjoy being a husband to my wife, not just a partner in the decisions of life. And I want to enjoy being a friend to those around me, not just a daily series of transactions. So far I am really learning to "Enjoy" in 2021, it's nice. I hope you Enjoy.