Monday, January 8, 2018

How to Get Through the Winter (as a Farmer):

OK, so a lot of the stuff that we do as farmers revolves around the growing season. In the winter it can be a little hard to make much headway. Thankfully, the seed companies are very good at timing the delivery of the seed catalogs.  As we flip through the pages of lush plants with perfectly ripe vegetables, we temporarily forget that its like 30 degrees outside.  
I kid. Kind of.
In all seriousness, the most important thing we do in winter is plan for the upcoming year. We can take what we learned last year (not enough turkeys), and apply that to our plans for this year. Remember: Failing to plan is planning to fail. 
That all sounds great right. Drink coffee, read (flip through) the seed catalog, be introspective, draft a annual farm plan. When the winter is "normal" we do some of that. However, we have dairy cows, laying hens, pigs, and beef cattle. These creatures have requirements in every season. Our work load does decrease with the winter season, until the temperature drops well below freezing. Temps in the mid 20's and below make for some of the hardest days on the farm. Primarily due to frozen watering systems. ughh.  I think after today the temp is going up a little bit. Bring on the coffee and the seed catalogs.