Monday, March 3, 2025
When is Deer Season?
As farmers, we have a love/hate relationship with wildlife, especially deer. I was on the tractor going to get a bale of hay as I traveled by this field of young ryegrass. All of our cows will rely on this crop of ryegrass for the upcoming year. It was more than a little frustrating to see a giant herd of white-tale deer devouring the crop that we are planning to harvest in the next few months. I'm not sure how many you can make out on this picture if you zoom in, but I counted at least 26 deer in person. This is the most I have seen at one time, but a herd is grazing here every time I pass by this field. I am basically supporting another herd of livestock that I can't harvest. (This is a rented farm; the landowner leases the hunting rights separately from the farm lease.) Thankfully, deer prefer the leaves of woody plants (browse) over grass, so as spring unfolds, they will hopefully descend back into the woods for their favorite meal. If that happens soon, the grass will recover and yield a decent crop. However, the lower end of this field will yield less than it would have without the deer. I admit, I enjoy seeing the deer as much as the next guy. They are beautiful creatures, and I am blessed to work in this environment that allows me to have such regular and close contact with all sorts of wildlife. But do there have to be sooooo many?