Monday, February 10, 2025
Babies Everywhere
It's calving season for our beef mama cows. Several years ago, we got interested in a beef cow breed called South Poll. They are small in stature, perform great on grass, and are fantastic mamas. The Proud papa of this herd, "Stump," is producing some fine-looking babies this year. Stump was born here and is a descendant of the original South Poll bull we purchased. His mom was also purebred South Poll, so he brings full blood genetics. Our cows are a mixture of different breeds. They were also all born right here. Even though the cows are a motley crew, the calf crop is strikingly similar. I guess those red genes are strong, and that's ok with me. I think those red cattle are some of the prettiest ones.
I'm looking forward to watching this group of calves grow up over the next couple of years.
On a related note, I saw my favorite bumper sticker today. Enjoy.
Eat Beef: Because the West wasn't won on salad.