Monday, December 30, 2024

New Year Traditions: Resolutions or Theme Word?

What are your thoughts on resolutions? For years, I took the position, "If you want to change something, just change it." Thinking that there is nothing special about the first of the year that makes a change more necessary or easy. I've mellowed a bit, so while I would still lean against the New Year resolution in favor of "Make a change whenever you see that a change needs to be made." I can see that this is a season of starting over. A clean calendar may make a new start at some endeavors more palatable. If so, go for it. I applaud your desire to improve yourself whenever you choose to make the changes you deem important. I'll be your cheerleader. As for me, I like the idea of a theme word for the year. Sometimes, circumstances pull our lives in ways that disrupt our balance. It happens slowly over time, but with a little introspection, we can usually feel it. This is how I decide on a theme word. I try to evaluate where I have allowed life to pull me out of balance. When I determine that imbalance, I develop a theme word that will draw me back in the opposite direction. Examples of past theme words are: Intentional - when I was working too much and wanted to make a point to be more involved in my kids' lives. Enjoy - Also, when I was working too much and wanted to make time to enjoy this journey that we are on. Make Room - Yes, it's actually 2 words, but I'm making the rules so... we'll go with it. I aimed to put the important things (church, marriage, kids) into my calendar so that I wouldn't unintentionally fill all my time with farm chores. Execute - When I felt like I had too many irons in the fire and needed to narrow my focus and finish some projects. Honestly, I can't say I did as well with this one as I did with the others. As you can tell, and it's no surprise, my general out-of-balance tendency is to be overly into work. I try very hard and have improved with age to be intentional, make room, and enjoy the beautiful aspects of life other than farm work. I am entirely aware that this is only a challenge for me because I love my family and my work; this fact alone makes me a blessed man. So, what will my word for 2025 be? I am 99% sure I have it, but I don't like to confirm it until the first. I'll tell you all about it next week. Do you have your word? If so, share it with us. We can all support each other as we seek to be better in whatever way we deem necessary. Happ New Year!!!