Monday, November 6, 2023

It's Turkey Delivery Time

It's Turkey Delivery time, and we are so excited. These next couple of weeks on the farm will be dedicated to making sure everyone gets just the right bird for their Thanksgiving feast. This is a very busy time, but it's a time that we see the fruits of a lot of summer labor. It is a great honor of ours to raise these birds for such a special occasion, but the job isn't done yet. One of the challenges of raising turkeys is that obviously, everyone wants their turkey at the same time. We put all hands on deck, and try to communicate well with each of you to make sure you get your desired weight at the proper delivery time and location. If you have any questions about that please give us a call or email. The remaining turkeys are now listed online to be purchased without placing a reservation.

Of course, other work on the farm can't just stop, so we'll be tending to the normal chores of milking, egg collection, etc... In addition to normal chores, I am watching the weather for a window that I can plant our fall forage (ryegrass and clover). October was so dry that I postponed planting. I would feel okay planting into dry soil at this time of year as long as there is some fairly definite rain in the forecast. Hopefully, that will be later this week.