Monday, July 6, 2020
It's not all work , work, work....
Yes, living on a dairy farm provides an endless list of things that need to be done. At some point, you just accept it and learn to live with that lifestyle. We (all dairy farmers) have the reputation of workaholics that live and breathe their profession. While that is admittedly a well deserved reputation, it doesn't mean we can't find a little time to enjoy the benefits of social human interaction. Brad's daughter Sara is a rising senior at Rockmart High. As you all probably know, most Proms were canceled this year. Since dresses were purchased and arrangements were already made, Sara wanted to have a scaled down version of Prom in our event barn. She and a handful of her closest friends had a mini-prom, farm style. A good time was had by all and it was good to see them have a little "normal" in what has been a very abnormal year.