Monday, January 13, 2025

Snow Day 2025

Snow days on the farm are a double-edged sword. On one hand, even the most disgruntled observer would be forced to admit that a snow-covered landscape is quite beautiful. What I've always liked about it is that it covers up any wintertime mud and provides a temporary facelift to any unkept corners of the property. A stark white blanket laid over the entire farm is quite stunning. Sled tracks are usually the first blemish to appear in the snow, followed by ATV tracks and snowmen of various sizes. I remember snow day activities when I was a child, so I just watch with a joyful and thankful heart as our children do the same things I did as a child. With roads questionable, it seems like things slow down quite a bit. I built a toasty fire in the fireplace and cooked up a big breakfast as the kids played outside. I knew there was a lot of work to be done, but enjoying a snow day is important too. Thankfully we had plenty of warning about this weather, so I had taken care of the animals the night before with extra hay and dry bedding. Eventually the snow turned to an icy rain. Our attention then turned to the chores that fell on our shoulders since employees couldn't make it in. Everybody pitched in, and we knocked out the chores in short order. It was a good day.