Monday, March 24, 2025

Taking Advantage of Mild Weather

If you've been in Georgia for any length of time, you know that spring can sometimes just be a fleeting thought. It seems like we jump from winter to summer in the snap of a finger. There are some things on the farm that just need to be done in mild weather. Working calves is one of those things. I like to bring calves in to work while the weather is a little cooler for a few reasons. The first is that it's just less stressful. When temperatures aren't extreme, and the grass is green, the cattle are pretty content, so they recover from any stress we cause really quickly. Secondly, working calves in cooler weather minimizes fly problems. If we have to snip off a horn or do anything that involves blood, it's best to do that before flies get active. I have 2 other fairly big groups still to finish this week, but I'm not sure I'll have all this good-looking help. The whole family helped with this group, but Julie wouldn't let me post her picture. 🤣